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screenshot       Open Content Photography Program by Various Authors (2018): WikiBooks

The Open Content Photography Program is being built to help people to learn professional photography. It is not a book about photography, it's a book about learning photography on your own.

book cover      Introduction to Digital Photography by Lawrence Neuberger (2018): SUNY. 

Learn and master the basic features of your camera to gain better control of your photos. Individualized chapters on each of the cameras basic functions as well as cheat sheets you can download and print for use while shooting. Covers technical functioning of digital cameras, focusing modes, white balance, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, composition, creativity and ways to add effects to your images using the camera itself. 

book cover      The Photographer's Guide to Copyright by PhotoShelter & The American Society of Media Photographers (2013):

Get tips to keep your work safe, plus read in-depth interviews from photographers and experts from ASMP, including Executive Director Eugene Mopsik and General Counsel and Managing Director Vic Perlman, who address: Major trends in copyright today. How to make copyright registration part of your workflow. The risks to weigh before posting your photos to social networks. What counts as “Fair Use”, plus major learnings from recent court cases. Copyright for motion and video. What it takes to bring an infringement case to court and ways to avoid it. Also check out the guide for a long list of additional resources to learn more about copyright for photographers.

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book cover      Ultimate Field Guide to Photography by National Geographic (2002): National Geographic. 

This free PDF is a selection from the larger text by Bob Martin. With straightforward explanations of both simple, all-but-foolproof equipment like inexpensive autofocus point-and-shoot cameras and of sophisticated lenses. It also covers important accessories; provides advice of all kinds, from key facts and basic tips for beginners to advanced techniques for skilled amateurs; and addresses the essentials of editing, scanning and printing, effective archiving, and more. Along with digital information, there's also plenty of material on traditional film, from old techniques to helpful sidebars on when to use film rather than digital.

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screenshot from table of contents      The Bastards Book of Photography by Dan Nguyen (2012): Dan Nguyen. 

This book doesn’t focus a lot on the science or technical details (e.g. I describe aperture as “a hole that light passes through”). I plan on adding more lessons and topics but the goal is to simplify the concepts and explain as much through visual examples. The route we’ll take is to learn how to move past depending on your camera’s automatic mode and onto operating its manual settings. Another way to phrase it is: Learn how to take photos without using your camera’s flash. This isn’t out of a stubborn conceit for doing things the “old-fashioned” way. It doesn’t matter how advanced camera phones get or how much a single button-tap captures; photography will always be profoundly affected by how you, the button pusher, is able to thoughtfully adjust to light and motion and subject.

book cover      Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Cloud - Revised Edition by xtine 
      burrough and Michael Mandiberg (2017): Open Oregon Educational Resources. 

Digital Foundations uses formal exercises of the Bauhaus to teach the Adobe Creative Suite. All students of digital design and production—whether learning in a classroom or on their own—need to understand the basic principles of design in order to implement them using current software. Far too often design is left out of books that teach software for the trade and academic markets. Consequently, the design software training exercise is often a lost opportunity for visual learning. This revised edition updates the original text for use with Adobe Creative Cloud 2017 software.

book cover      Remote Capture: Digitising Documentary Heritage in Challenging Locations by Jody Butterworth, Andrew Pearson,
      Patrick Sutherland and Adam Farquhar (2018): Open Book Publishers Cambridge. 

From establishing the scope of the project, via practical considerations about equipment, work routines, staffing, and negotiating local politics, to backing up your data and successfully completing your work, Remote Capture walks you through every stage. Bursting with helpful hints, advice and experiences from people who have completed projects everywhere around the globe from Latin America to Africa to Asia, this book offers a taste of the challenges you might encounter and the best ways to find solutions. With a particular focus on the process of digitisation, whether using a camera or a scanner, Remote Capture is invaluable reading for anybody considering such a project. It will be particularly useful to those who apply for an EAP grant, but the advice in these pages is necessary for anyone wondering how to go about digitising an archive.


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