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OER: Open Educational Resources


      A Foundation Course in Reading German by Alan Ng (2017): University of Wisconsin - Madison.

This textbook guides a learner who has no previous German experience to gain the ability to accurately understand formal written German prose, aided only by a comprehensive dictionary. Students are assumed to have no previous German experience, but thorough competence in English grammar and syntax. Students will also need access to a comprehensive, full-sized German-English dictionary to succeed with this material. Students in University of Wisconsin German 391 typically need a dictionary equivalent to the Oxford-Duden German Dictionary.


      Deutsch im Blick by Zsuzsanna Abrams (2017): University of Texas

This textbook includes all 10 chapters of Deutsch im Blick. It accompanies, the web-based first-year German program developed and in use at the University of Texas since 2008, and its companion site, Grimm Grammar. Deutsch im Blick is an open access site with free and open multimedia resources, which requires neither password nor fees.

Deutsch im Blick has been funded and created by Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services at the University of Texas, and is currently supported by COERLL, the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning UT-Austin, and the U.S. Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE Grant P116B070251 & P116Y090057) as an example of the open access initiative.


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