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OER: Open Educational Resources


book cover      The FCTC Study Guide (2017): Cal-JAC.

A preparatory guide for the written exam for the California Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee. 



  • FCTC (Firefighter Candidate Testing Center)

book cover      CPAT Preparation Guide (2007): Cal-JAC. 

A preparatory guide for the Candidate Physical Ability Test for aspiring firefighters. 




  • CFFJAC (California Fire Fighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee)

book cover      Forest Fire edited by by Janusz Szmyt (2018): IntechOpen.

A collection of articles addressing environmental, technological, social, and meteorological aspects of forest fires. 


book cover      Progress in Combustion Diagnostics, Science and Technology by Paul Medwell, Michael Evans and Shaun Chan
      (2020): MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. CC BY

This book includes a series of 17 research studies that reveal new knowledge about combustion and its application. The topics covered span diverse areas associated with combustion including: fires, engines and applications, and acoustics. In addition to power production, understanding combustion also plays a critical role in both managing fires and the materials synthesis sectors. To meet the objectives of progress and innovation in combustion science, new experimental measurements are needed and complemented by computational approaches.


Additional Resources

Basic Fire Fighter Manual (First Nations of British Columbia)

Fire Career Resources (Houston Community College)

Fire Engineering Resources (

Fire Safety Community Portal (MERLOT)

Fire Science Core Curriculum (Oregon State University Extension Service)

Firefighter Skills Task Book (Indiana State Government)

International Association for Fire Safety Science

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

Watching for Wind: An Effort to Get the Upper Hand on Wildfire (U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.