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One Book, One College: Eating Animals (2020-21)

About One Book, One College (OBOC)

OBOC is LAVC's common read program. Each academic year, a new book is selected, which is read throughout courses and across disciplines. The OBOC initiative cultivates opportunities for creativity, scholarship, critical thinking, and academic dialog. It creates a shared intellectual experience for students, faculty, administration and staff.

Upcoming Events 2020

Virtual Student Work Showcase

Students may upload their own work to the Showcase's Padlet. If you need any help uploading, email your project to

All student work must be uploaded by midnight Monday, May 17.

How it Works: LAVC students, faculty and the larger community can view the projects at the Padlet link and -- if they'd like to -- comment upon them. 

Student Prizes: 
A. Most Creative
B. Best STEM
C. Best Equity Themed
D. Best Written

The winner in each category gets:
one (1) LA Valley College T-Shirt 
one (1) LA Valley College Water bottle 
and one (1) Amazon gift card 

Winners will be announced in the afternoon of May 19th.

eBook Access

The Library has ten copies of Eating Animals available as an ebook. If ten patrons are viewing the ebook simultaneously, there will be no copies available to view. Should you experience this issue, we recommend checking back later. A Library login is required to access the ebook off-campus.

Access the ebook

Further Reading

Meatpacking was already a dangerous job for California workers. The pandemic made it worse (LA Times, September 2020)

Meat Consumption Through the Lens of the Coronavirus: The End of Meat is Here

In this May 2020 New York Times Op-Ed, "Eating Animals" author Foer reflects on Eating Animals in the current moment.


Eating Animals: 2020-21 One Book, One College selection

undefined"Part memoir and part investigative report, Eating Animals is the groundbreaking moral examination of vegetarianism, farming, and the food we eat every day that inspired the documentary of the same name.

Bestselling author Jonathan Safran Foer spent much of his life oscillating between enthusiastic carnivore and occasional vegetarian. For years he was content to live with uncertainty about his own dietary choices but once he started a family, the moral dimensions of food became increasingly important" --jacket copy

"Sensitive to the centrality of food in culture and family life, Foer, author of the novels Everything Is Illuminated (2002) and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005), frames his first nonfiction book within the story of his Holocaust survivor grandmother’s complex relationship with food and his response to fatherhood ... An indelible book that should reach a diverse audience and deepen the conversation about how best to live on a rapidly changing planet" -- Booklist


Thanks to every student who participated in our our annual Student Work Showcase! This year's winners are:

  1. Best Equity-Themed:  Mariah McNaughton's Food Deserts: The Impact and Solution for her thorough and articulate analysis of the Food Desert situation in the African-American neighborhood of South Central Los Angeles. Professor Fatema Baldiwala 
  2. Best STEM: Daniel Broadhurst's How My Vegan Truck Will Save the Planet for his eye-catching explanation of the various STEM fields that are affected by eating animals. Professor Padma Saghal 
  3. Best Written: Adam Daily's Food Insecurities: The Starving Student for his articulate discussion of college students and their struggles with food, nutrition, money and shame.  Professor Fatema Baldiwala  
  4. Most Creative: Rafael Gomez Garcia How Animal Agriculture Impacts Humans. For his use of the spoken word, enhanced by music and quotes, to succinctly and civilly explain the factory farm and its ills. Professor Holly Batty 

View all the work here.

Each winner receives a $25 Amazon gift card donated by the LAVC Library, as well as an LA Valley College T-shirt and LAVC Water Bottle donated by the ASU. 

"Healthy Eating" Virtual Event - 11/18/20

video snapshot

Watch the Video Recording

Couldn't make the November 18 event? Not to worry! Watch the recording and get all the recipes.

Watch the Documentary

The documentary film Eating Animals, produced by Jonathan Safran Foer and featuring Natalie Portman, is available through Alexander Street (off-campus viewing requires a Library login).

decorativeAlice Waters, Natalie Portman, and Jonathan Safran-Foer. Image credit: Vanity Fair.

Faculty may embed this video in Canvas, bypassing the need for a Library login. Follow these steps.