Gale eBooks is accessed through the LAVC Library website. To find it, click on the green, circular "Databases" button near the top of the Library homepage, then, scroll down the alphabetical list and click on "Gale eBooks." Clicking on the Gale eBooks link above (in blue) will also take you to the database.
Additional Help: Instructional Materials
A search for respiratory therapy in Gale eBooks produces a list of over 3,000 results! Here are a few examples of the types of eBooks you will find in this database:
Don't stop yet! Search all of our eBook databases and be confident you're finding the best sources. In addition to Gale eBooks, the LAVC Library offers access to thousands of medical- and RT-related eBooks in the following databases:
For in-depth help with using these databases, please refer to LAVC Library's Ebooks Guide.