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Nursing Resources at the LAVC Library

Looking for scholarly/academic video content? The LAVC Library offers students access to thousands of medical- and nursing-related videos in our two streaming databases: Films on Demand and Alexander Street. Read more about them (and how to use them) below.

Video Database #1: Films on Demand

Films on Demand offers almost 6,000 videos under the subject Health & Medicine, including collections of videos focusing on nursing-related topics like Health Care & Treatment (over 2,300 videos) and Health Careers (100 videos). Some examples are linked below.

screenshot of databases button from library homepage


Films on Demand is accessed through the LAVC Library website. To find it, click on the green, circular "Databases" button near the top of the Library homepage, then, scroll down the alphabetical list and click on Films on Demand. Clicking on the Films on Demand link above (in blue) will also take you to the database.


Heads up: If you are using the Library website from off-campus, you will eventually be required to "log in." When that time comes, please follow these directions for logging into the Library website from off-campus.


Examples of Nursing Videos from Films on Demand


Tips: Films on Demand

  • Films on Demand: Search Video [1:27]: This video will demonstrate one way to look up videos on the nursing profession and will introduce you to some of the tools available in Films on Demand.


  • Click on the tags beneath videos to find similar content: if you scroll down below a video and its description, you'll find that it's been labeled with descriptive "tags" (see example, below). If you click on any of these tags, you'll be taken to a list of videos that have been marked with that same tag. This is a great way to quickly find more videos on the same topic you're researching.

screenshot of video tags


  • Use the "Subject" filter in an Advanced Search: if you're having trouble finding videos on your topic, try clicking on "Advanced Search" (located near the search bar at the top of the screen), then, scroll down to the "Select Filters" area and use the "All Subjects" dropdown menu to select Health & Medicine (see screenshot, below). Now, when you conduct your search, all your results will be from Film on Demand's Health & Medicine Collection.

All subjects filter in advanced search



Video Database #2: Alexander Street


You can click on the red "filter" button and use the "Subject" menu to narrow your results to "Nursing" or one of its sub-categories (see screenshots, below); the resulting set of videos will all be nursing-related:

screenshot of subject filter menuAlexander Street "filter" button

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