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Nursing Resources at the LAVC Library

More Ways to Search...

Occasionally, in order to find the information you need, your research may require you to utilize even more Library databases than the ones already discussed in this guide. Our recommendations are listed below.

Heads up: If you are using the Library website from off-campus, you will eventually be required to "log in." When that time comes, please follow these directions for logging into the Library website from off-campus.


Science & Nursing Databases


General/Multi-subject Databases


Additional Help - Research Guides

The following research guides, created by librarians at LAVC, provide detailed instructions for finding articles and ebooks on our website. While the guides focus on using OneSearch (linked above), other useful databases are also discussed and explored throughout.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.