Looking for articles in a database on our A-Z list? Check out the links below for tutorials on some of our most popular databases.
Use these tutorials for help with EBSCO databases, including our largest database, Academic Search Complete.
Are you a Nursing major? Use these tutorials for help with CINAHL, our Nursing database.
Use these tutorials for help with our popular Gale databases, including Academic OneFile, Literature Resource Center, and Opposing Viewpoints in Context, among others.
Use this tutorial for help with the database JSTOR Archival Journals. [Note: there is a 3-5 year delay on articles in this database.]
Use these tutorials for help with our popular ProQuest databases, including U.S. Newsstream and Research Library.
While OneSearch is a great place to start your research, it only covers a selection of the Library's databases (i.e. it doesn't give you access to everything the Library has). In addition to looking for articles in OneSearch, you should also explore the Library's databases individually to appreciate the full breadth of information we may have available on your topic.
Click here to see the full A-Z list of LAVC Library databases. Or, you can also click on the "Databases" button on the Library Homepage to get to the list of databases.
Which of the Library's 100+ databases will be "best" for your research? One way to get help picking a database is to use the drop-down menus located near the top of the A-Z database list (for example, "Subjects," picture below):
After specifying a subject/type/vendor, our website will suggest the best database(s) for finding articles in that area. To access a database and begin searching, click on the name of the database and log in (if prompted). The interfaces of these individual databases may look different than OneSearch, but don't worry, most of them will still allow you to perform advanced searches and generate full citations.
Searching for articles outside of OneSearch? The videos to the left will help with some of our most popular individual databases.
REMEMBER: When in doubt, you can always ask a Librarian for database help and suggestions!
If you can't find enough scholarly sources in OneSearch, try out the following individual databases from our A-Z list (video tutorials for each database can be found in the far-left column on this page):
Full-text scholarly and peer-reviewed journal articles across many disciplines. Please note this archive does not include current issues -- a three to five year delay is typical for most publications. Coverage includes economics, philosophy, political science, language and literature, history, art and art history, archaeology, classics, music, film studies, psychology, health policy, public policy, folklore, performing arts, religion, and more.
Researching a current, controversial social or political issue? Try out the databases below. For in-depth help, please refer to our Opposing Viewpoints guide.