To find books in the Library, use OneSearch (the big search box on the Library homepage). Find instructions below (under "OneSearch: Looking Up Books"). You can also click here for screenshots and more information.
If you find a book in OneSearch that you want to see, make sure the Location is "Valley." Write down the Status and Call Number. Bring that information to the Reference Desk, and the librarian there will help you get the book. If you want to try finding a book on the shelf on your own, scroll to the bottom of "OneSearch: Looking Up Books" below.
OneSearch (the big search box on the Library homepage) is kind of gateway that searches the Library's collection of print books plus a few specific databases at once. It's a good place to go when you're not sure where to start, or when your topic covers multiple subject areas.
If you're only looking for books, choose "ALL" and "Books & ebooks only" before you start searching. If you don't want ebooks, on the next screen (on the left side), choose "Books (not ebooks)." In your search results, look at Status (to make sure the book isn't already checked out, and to find the books location in the Library, such as "Stacks"). Then write down the entire call number. To learn how to use a call number to find a book on the shelf in the Library, ask a librarian at the Reference Desk, or read the PowerPoint slides below ("Click here for help finding a book..."). For help with ebooks, click here and scroll down about halfway.
The Library has lots of books you can use -- in addition to your textbooks -- to help improve your skills in English grammar and fundamental writing. A few examples are listed here.
Head over to the PZ 7 and PZ 8 sections of the Stacks (Row 58), and browse books written for young adults that are enjoyed by students of all ages. Also try the Popular Fiction section near the Reference Desk.
For specific book recommendations, ask a librarian (in person at the Reference Desk, or online in the chat box at Below are a few suggestions to get you started.