After clicking on a book title in your results list, you will be taken to the "Book Detail" page. This video (2:30) will show you how to use the Book Detail Page to find important details about a book, including summaries, information about the author, reviews and more. It will also show you how to navigate to specific sections and subsections of a book using the table of contents. For more information about the Book Detail page (with screenshots), scroll below the video.
When you click on a title in your results list, you will be taken to the "Book Detail" page (see screenshot, right), which provides lots of information about the book and helps you decide whether or not to use it for your research.
At a glance you can see:
If you choose to work with a book, you may do the following:
From the Table of Contents you may do the following:
This guide was adapted from the ProQuest Ebook Central LibGuide.