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OER by Discipline: Math

Open Access & Reduced Cost Multimedia

  • WebAssign: WebAssign is a low-cost online learning system that supports math curriculum including developmental math, calculus, differential equations and linear algebra, and more. With content directly from open textbooks (including OpenStax) and accompanied by WebAssign’s course and assignment management platform, instructors can build a student experience to fit course design or pedagogical goals.
  • Khan Academy--Math: Contains a wide variety of math subject videos, including prealgebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, precalculus, statistics, calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra.
  • FlexMath: Algebra lessons, interactive practice, adaptive assessment, and extensive scaffolding for struggling learners. FlexMath textbooks are also available.
  • Viewers can choose from such disciplines as numbers, algebra/trigonometry/calculus, geometry, and statistics.
  • MIT OpenCourseWare--Mathematics: Not only focuses on calculus and linear algebra, but also algorithims, math for computer science, and mathematical methods for engineers.
  • My Open Math: Platform delivers homework, quizzes, and tests with rich mathematical content. Students can receive immediate feedback on algorithmically generated questions with numerical or algebraic expression answers. And it can do more, providing a full course management system, including file posting, discussion forums, and a full gradebook. Complementary texts available here.


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